Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Step: 1.15: Upload Machine Name to network share

Personally, I want to check how many machines getting built in a day without running any reports and easy by going to a folder or a network share.
So I thought of creating a folder with the machine name on a network share as part of the task sequence.

Add a group called Upload Machine Name to Network Share. Upload Machine Name to Network Share step will execute when the following conditions are met;
Create a folder on a network share then share with everyone or share with an account where that account has Read and Write access. I have created a folder called \\SCCM\BuildFolder

Add Connect to Network Folder step Enter the information to connect a network folder as below;

 Add Run Command Line to Create a Folder with Machine Name, add the following command on command line
cmd /c MD Y:\%Computername%\
Select Disable 64-bit file system redirection
Select Run this step as following account then add appropriate account where it has a Write permissions on the folder.

Add Run Command Line to delete the mapped network drive in previous step and add the following command on command line
net use Q: /delete
Select Disable 64-bit file system redirection

Click here for complete list of tasks for SCCM OSD All in one task sequence.
Click here for SCCM OSD All in one task sequence Visio diagram.

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