Sunday, November 27, 2016

The site being recovered using a different build number than the build version of the ConfigMgr backup

As part of Disaster recovery (DR) testing, I have tried to recover my Current Branch 1610 site using 1606 ISO I have received following error when running Evaluating setup environment step;

The site being recovered using a different build number than the build version of the ConfigMgr backup. The recovery build number must match with the previous installed build version. Click the view log button for more information.

As message indicates the site was upgraded to 1610 build few days ago. However as of today, we cannot build 1610 site with ISO or any other media as part of the site recovery using previous SCCM database backup. so how can we recover SCCM current branch 1610 site with correct build version? Well, if we check the site server DB backup folder, there is folder called CD. Latest.

The CD.Latest folder with in the backup folder holds the installer files for 1610 build for recovery.

CD.Latest holds the installer files for 1610 build for recovery. To verify build media version in the CD.Latest folder, launch the splash.hta, the first screen will display the version number 1610 under Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager.

So launch splash.hta file from <yourbackuplocation>\CD.Latest then follow the prompts for site recovery. The recovery should continue without build version error.

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